of the Siksikaitsitapi

Siksika Nation
Since time immemorial, the Children of the Plains, the Siksika – Blackfoot, have lived in a territory that stretches from the North Saskatchewan River in present day Alberta and Saskatchewan to the Yellowstone River in the state of Montana, from the Continental Divide in the west to the Great Sand Hills in the province now known as Saskatchewan.
Our Community
Siksika Nation
About Siksika Nation Siksika Nation population is approximately 7800+ Siksika Nation is located one hour’s drive east of the city of Calgary, and three kilometres south of the Trans-Canada Highway #1. Siksika Nation Administration and Business district are located adjacent to the Town of Gleichen. Siksika (Blackfoot) is the language

Siksika Nation
Chief and Council

Siksika Nation
Tribal Administration
Siksika Nation Tribal Administration will nurture growth, independence, well-being of our Siksika culture and way of life through the delivery of quality programs and services for Siksikawa.