Our motto in the Blackfoot language is POMIIKAPII, which means peace and harmony.
Contact Us
- Address: P.O. Box 1609 Siksika, AB T0J 3W0
- Phone: 403-734-5123
- Email: justice@siksikanation.com
Programs and Services
Siksika Justice provides both social justice and court justice services for Siksika Nation members. Our Court Workers assist Nation members to navigate through the court systems. Our Aiskapimohkiiks program works with Nation members to resolve conflicts through mediation and arbitration.
The Siksika Justice Services was formed in 1995 by Siksika Nation Chief and Council. The formation of the Justice Services also included the implementation of the Siksika Court Worker Program and the Siksika Community Corrections Program, both of which are utilized frequently by the Siksika Nation Membership, as well as by other First Nations Members from different Indigenous communities in Canada.
Indigenous Court Worker Program
This program assists Siksika Nation members navigate through the court systems.
This program works with Nation members to resolve conflicts through mediation and arbitration.
Restorative Justice
This is a non-adversarial and non-retributive approach to justice focused on repairing the harms caused by crime to victims and communities.

Siksika Court Work Program provides all indigenous persons appearing in Siksika, Brooks and Strathmore provincial courts with a program of counselling, other than legal advice, in relation to court procedures, rights under the law and availability of legal aid or other resources, and referral thereto of such persons who have been charged with an offence under any federal or provincial statute or municipal by-law.
The Court Work Program builds it yearly work plan with 3 main objectives: Court Assistance, Public Legal Education and the identification of gaps in the Justice system.
Our current program operates with 2 Court Workers:
- Traffic/ Criminal/ Bylaw Court Matters
- Family Court Matters
If you wish to speak with a Siksika Court Worker, call Siksika Justice at 403-734-5123.
Since the implementation of the Aiskapimohkiiks Program on Siksika Nation in 2003, the program, utilizing the services of certified Mediators and trained Elders who are members of Siksika Nation, has successfully dealt with over 400 dispute cases.
As a type of an Aboriginal restorative justice alternate dispute resolution program, the Aiskapimohkiiks Program has positively impacted numerous Siksika Nation members, the Chief and Council, Siksika Administration and the community at large. The latter includes the RCMP, Provincial court system, court workers, Crown Prosecutors, defense lawyers, duty counsels, and the like.
Aiskapimohkiiks programming includes:
- Elder mentoring sessions
- Mediation by certified Siksika mediators
- Arbitration
In order to complete a referral to Aiskapimohkiiks, call Siksika Justice at 403-734-5123.
Restorative Justice is a non-adversarial and non-retributive approach to justice focused on repairing the harms caused by crime to victims and communities. This victim-centered process holds the offender responsible for their actions, allows for meaningful accountability for offenders, provides the opportunity for the parties directly affected by crime to identify and address their needs related to this crime, and allows citizens’ involvement in creating healthier and safer communities.
Restorative Justice provides voluntary opportunities for those who have been harmed and those who have caused harm to be active participants in their journey toward justice, accountability, and reconciliation.
Restorative Justice Principles
- Participation is voluntary, and based on free, informed, ongoing consent.
- All participants are treated with respect.
- The victim is actively involved.
- Those who have caused harm are accountable; they are supported to accept responsibility and make reparations.
- Inclusion is central, and fosters the meaningful participation of those most affected (victims, offenders, family, community).
- The physical and psychological safety of all participants is attended to.