Cemetery Project Questionnaire

Arcadis is developing a Concept Plan for the Chief Crowfoot Cemetery. The concept plan is a long-term blueprint that will outline the vision, goals, and phasing for developing and expanding the cemetery.

The traditions and ceremonies carried out for burial and transitioning to the spirit life is special and unique for each culture and the Arcadis team are interested to hear what traditions are important and sacred for the Siksika people. The intent of this session is:

  • For the Arcadis team to listen, respect, learn and understand the traditions and ceremonies related to Siksika burials and transitions to the spirit life, in order to develop a plan that is community-led.
  • For Siksika representatives to describe and inform the Arcadis team of the important events and ceremonies that take place before, during and after a burial.
  • To have a general discussion / answer questions (below) related to practical, technical and cultural requirements for the cemetery.


Your feedback is important to us. Please take time to share your thoughts and answer questions below – this will help the designers make sure the cemetery layout reflects Siksika culture and facilitates the traditions around a sacred time in life’s journey.