Public Works Community Clean-up Announcement


Siksika Public Works is happy to announce that we will be conducting a community clean-up program to target ditches and large items in each of the 12 subdivision communities. The program will begin sometime next week (July 15-19) starting in the Muskrat community, working their way east, all the way to the Shouldice community subdivision. 

Crews will be out to clean garbage and eye sores from the ditches (20’ feet in from the road), clean garbage off fence lines, and remove large items from homes in each target community. Crews will also have garbage bags available for residents that wish to help and participate in the clean-up.

Crews will not be:

  • Taking requests for other issues at resident’s home concerning other service areas or issues not related to the community clean-up program, including garbage collection. There are other appropriate avenues to put in these requests i.e. (phone, website etc.).
  • Cleaning residents’ yards. 
  • Cleaning up areas where untied free roaming dogs are causing issues for the crews. 
  • Picking up any items that pose a threat to their health or safety. 
  • Clean-up residents that are not part of the listed 12 community sub-divisions. 

The 12 communities that will be targeted for the clean-up program are as follows:

Muskrat, Stobart, North Camp, West Gleichen, Deerfoot NTN’s, East Siksika, Suzy Slough, Cluny, South camp, Crowfoot NTN’s, New Washington, Shouldice. 

To increase community by-in and reward hard work, Public Works will be rewarding the cleanest yard to one home in each of the 12 communities a 100$ Sobey’s gift card. Winners will be awarded as each crew is finished with a community. 

Public Works is unsure how long the program will take to run to completion, so it will be a day-to-day assessment before we can have an idea on how fast crews can move and clean-up each community. 

Additional details and information will be dropped off at each resident’s home in the target communities 48 hrs before crews arrive to allow the residents time to prepare for the arrival of the clean-up crews. 

Public Works would like to thank all residents for their time and efforts as we make Siksika communities a cleaner environment for all nation members to take pride in moving forward. For any additional questions or concerns please contact 

Lyle Breaker
Siksika Public Works Office Supervisor
