Siksika Nation
Ohkinniinaa & Ninaaks
Siksika Nation is governed by one Chief and twelve Councillors elected every three years by the voting membership of Siksika Nation. Siksika Nation Chief and Council are accountable and report to the members of the Siksika Nation. The Office of Siksika Nation Chief and Council strive to maintain positive working relationships with all Nation departments, municipal, federal, provincial, international governments, and other stakeholders. Siksika Nation Chief and Council provides leadership, vision and direction in responding to the needs and aspirations of the community, while being committed to open and transparent flow of communication between members and leadership.
Siksika Nation Chief and Council 2022 – 2025
Photo – Back Row L to R: Strater Crowfoot, Hector Winnipeg, Owen Crane Bear, Kendall Panther Bone, Samuel Crowfoot, Ruben (Buck) Breaker. Front Row L to R: Candace Backfat, Marsha Wolf Collar, Chief Ouray Crowfoot, Tracy McHugh, Lou Ann Solway. (Missing Carlin Black Rabbit)
view our Ohkinninaa & ninaaks Mid-Term Report
Contact Information
Siksika Nation Chief and Council
- P.O. Box 1100 Siksika, AB T0J 3W0
- (403) 734-5109
- (403) 734-5102
- Toll Free Phone: 1-800-551-5724
Chief and Council Directory
Ouray Crowfoot
Samuel Crowfoot
Owen Cranebear
Kendall Panther Bone
Tracy McHugh
Ike Solway
Reuben Breaker
Candace Backfat
Strater Crowfoot
Hector Winnipeg
Naatom Aaattsistaa Kii
Marsha Wolf Collar
Si Pi Se Pi Ya Ki
Lou Ann Solway
Carlin Black Rabbit
To book a meeting:
Meeting: To book a meeting with Chief & Council please submit a written request by phone, email or in-person at the Siksika Nation Tribal Administration. If you require assistance, please contact Siksika Nation Chief and Council Assistants.
Ninaaks Services
Mariah Little Chief
Cell: 403-361-1878
Desk: 403-734-5102
Sharon Brass
Cell: 403-361-1774
Work: 403-734-5109